Jack Lo Russo’s avatarJack Lo Russo’s Twitter Archive

7,580 tweets


  1. Last tweet ever! Add me on Bluesky 🟦 bsky.app/profile/jacklorusso.com
  2. I am extremely hyped for the World Cup 🤝🫡🔥 Up @TheMatildas! Will be at the opening game with bells on 🇦🇺
  3. As much as I prefer working in the office, I do love having the choice to go in or not. I’ve been in the office for a couple of days in a row. Today I simply don’t feel like it. I’ll work from home and it will make me feel like going into the office again 😊
  4. Subscribed to Apple TV for a month, what should I watch in what order apart from Ted Lasso
  5. Humble brag moment: I built this particular migration piece, in time for day 1 of the Figma Variables release at Config 🫡 Shoutout to the entire Atlassian Design System team who had already created a powerful Figma plugin experience + other migrations that I could augment 🥰🙌 @Lewishealey/1673539927311802368
  6. is The Flash worth seeing in cinemas?
  7. You simply have to sack Fittler
  8. I’m on a mission to reclaim the Australianism “youse” (translation: “you all”) It’s sad that we quietly adopted the American “y’all” when we have a perfectly good home-grown word. Youse don’t know what you’re missing — swap your milquetoast “y’all” for an edgy “youse” TODAY 😎
  9. TPJ is a huge roll of the dice for @NSWBlues but he’s potentially the kind of psycho that is made for Origin 😈 nervous/excited to see who turns up
  10. Oops I did it again 🥚
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. Over it
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. Finally a perfect round of #NRL tipping 🫡🤝
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. Nail biter finish to complete my perfect round of tipping… #NRLManlySharks
  14. Fixed the @Mariners City Connect uni’s in @MLBTheShow (the black pants kill me)
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API


  1. Heartbreaking. Everyone at GROW was made redundant (#COVID19). I'm so proud of the work we did & the team we built 💪 Let's talk! I'm a Front End Engineer w/ a design background. Passionate about building great products and growing excellent teams. Links below, RT appreciated 💜
  2. When people don't write code comments or say that "code should be self-documenting", it's an instant red flag to me. 🧵Thread 👇 This means that they:
  3. …in reply to @lorvsso
    Don't treat your colleagues like compilers 🙅‍♂️ Write your code for humans — you aren't going to "lose points" if you leave helpful hints or little breadcrumbs to indicate how and why you've done things a certain way.
  4. Some people see this as a negative. Junior developers should see this as an opportunity. Become the best in your team at some bleeding-edge CSS while others are grumbling about how they just got their head around flexbox @meyerweb/929097712754098181
  5. Duolingo is quite possibly the best thing to come out of “the app era”. Delightful product, genuinely useful, encourages learning, the free offering is so good that you *want* to pay. Well done everyone at @duolingo honestly, you should be proud. Not many products are like this
  6. First-time entrepreneurs are always mortally afraid of someone stealing their idea. They genuinely don’t realise that ideas are cheap, execution is everything.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 1,193 times (15.7%)

Most Retweeted

  1. markdalgleish 33 retweets
  2. Digivizer 23 retweets
  3. maetl 22 retweets
  4. helveticabot 16 retweets
  5. wilkowskidom 14 retweets
  6. johncutlefish 13 retweets
  7. jenniesyip 12 retweets
  8. itsdouges 12 retweets
  9. Mariners 11 retweets
  10. colmtuite 11 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. itsdouges 7 retweets
  2. Mariners 6 retweets
  3. lorvsso 4 retweets
  4. Lewishealey 3 retweets
  5. SeattleKraken 3 retweets
  6. vivavolt 2 retweets
  7. NRL_Dragons 2 retweets
  8. danieldelcore 2 retweets
  9. Seahawks 2 retweets
  10. mattcompiles 2 retweets

Replies and Mentions

56.6% of my tweets are replies (×4,288)

Most Replies To

  1. lorvsso 690 replies
  2. disco_lu 118 replies
  3. miko_a 89 replies
  4. TarynEwens 80 replies
  5. maetl 67 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. lorvsso 41 replies
  2. miko_a 18 replies
  3. seretonins 14 replies
  4. al_hinds 14 replies
  5. _douges 13 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 49 times (0.6%)

84.3% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,133 of 1,344)

88.1% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (37 of 42)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 587 tweets
  2. bit.ly 77 tweets
  3. medium.com 69 tweets
  4. github.com 37 tweets
  5. spotify.com 36 tweets
  6. buff.ly 19 tweets
  7. youtu.be 14 tweets
  8. instagram.com 9 tweets
  9. youtube.com 8 tweets
  10. mozilla.org 8 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 587 tweets
  2. bit.ly 77 tweets
  3. medium.com 68 tweets
  4. open.spotify.com 36 tweets
  5. github.com 35 tweets
  6. buff.ly 19 tweets
  7. youtu.be 14 tweets
  8. www.instagram.com 8 tweets
  9. www.youtube.com 8 tweets
  10. designsystems.email 8 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 1,350 retweets and ❤️ 23,128 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😍 used 241 times on 218 tweets
  2. ☺️ used 208 times on 182 tweets
  3. 😂 used 177 times on 167 tweets
  4. 🙌 used 121 times on 118 tweets
  5. ✨ used 115 times on 94 tweets

473 unique emoji on 2,601 tweets (40.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. design used 25 times
  2. ux used 23 times
  3. productdesign used 12 times
  4. redv used 11 times
  5. sydcss used 9 times

429 hashtags on 428 tweets (6.7% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 52 times on 50 tweets
  2. d_mn used 29 times
  3. f_cking used 14 times on 13 tweets
  4. h_ll used 13 times
  5. f_ck used 10 times on 9 tweets

150 swear words on 146 tweets (2.3% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets