Jack Lo Russo’s avatarJack Lo Russo’s Twitter Archive—№ 2,231

  1. Something I understand deeply now that I didn’t a few years ago — anything I don’t know, I can ✨learn✨ Embracing a growth mindset is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.
    1. …in reply to @lorvsso
      I never considered myself a “maths person” and pretty much sailed through formal education with blinkers on — it was humanities, only what I was good at, all the way. Studied English, Philosophy and Religion at @Sydney_Uni before feeling so lost that I dropped out.
      1. …in reply to @lorvsso
        Fast forward to the present and after a series of lateral moves, I’m designing and coding everyday. People I haven’t seen in years literally can’t believe that I build software products as a job (and hobby). If you asked younger me, I wouldn’t have believed it!
        1. …in reply to @lorvsso
          Learning how to learn is the first step to building skills. And learning how to learn starts with actually believing you *can* learn something — even if it’s unlike anything you’ve ever done. Out of the last few years, this mentality is the thing I am proudest of developing.
          1. …in reply to @lorvsso
            (also real quick: just want to check my privilege that I’ve been in a situation where I COULD go to university and decide it wasn’t for me, then not struggle to find work when I needed it — very lucky and grateful for this)