Jack Lo Russo’s avatarJack Lo Russo’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,164

        1. When people don't write code comments or say that "code should be self-documenting", it's an instant red flag to me. 🧵Thread 👇 This means that they:
      1. …in reply to @lorvsso
        • Can't empathise with new devs (juniors or people new to the code base) • Don't understand that code alone can only tell a fraction of the story (ie. who, what, when — never WHY) • Will be lacking in communication skills in all the other situations you need to work with them
    1. …in reply to @lorvsso
      Don't treat your colleagues like compilers 🙅‍♂️ Write your code for humans — you aren't going to "lose points" if you leave helpful hints or little breadcrumbs to indicate how and why you've done things a certain way.
  1. …in reply to @lorvsso
    This thread brought to you by a dude trying to detangle some very confusing "self-documenting" code 🙃