Jack Lo Russo’s avatarJack Lo Russo’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,620

  1. I got my mates to share their @Spotify Discover Weekly playlists with me, made a folder with all of them, and now I can keep up with what they are ABOUT to be listening to 🤯
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @lorvsso
      I'm kind of re-creating the social features of Spotify (which I turned off lol 😎), but the focus isn't on what my friends are currently listening to — it's way more bleeding-edge —they haven't even listened to it yet! 😅
      1. …in reply to @lorvsso
        Could also make a mega playlist and update it weekly, and then start a crowd-sourced Playlist Radio 🤔 might test this out on one of our poker nights